Learn more about what ABJAD is, and the reason behind it.
What Is ABJAD?
ABJAD is an Arabic Programming Language
All of the main programming languages around the world are English-based languages, and using them requires prior knowledge of English. For non-English speakers, this can be a major barrier that stops them from pursuing a path in programming. That's why having an Arabic programming language can help accomplish the baby steps for newbies from the Arab region to learn how to code.
The idea of having a local programming language when it comes to the Arab region isn't new, hence there are few Arabic programming languages out there. However, what makes ABJAD different, is that it is very similar, in syntax, to TypeScript, which makes it efficient for programmers who want to switch from Arabic programming language to an English-based language.
ABJAD is a Scripting Language
Similar to other main languages, such as Python and JavaScript, ABJAD is a scripting language, which means that it requires minimal amount of code to start a program.
The shortest ABJAD code, that prints "Hello World! (In Arabic)" is:
أكتب("مرحبا بالعالم!")؛
ABJAD is an Interpreted Language
Opposite to compiled languages, such as C and C++, ABJAD is an interpreted language, which puts it in the same class as Python and JavaScript.
The main difference between interpreted and compiled languages is that interpreted languages require an interpreter that takes a code as a text and runs it immediately, without any further steps. On the other hand, compiled languages, require a compiler, that takes a code, analyzes it, and constructs a machine code that resembles its functionality. This machine code is what the computer needs to execute.
The name ABJAD is taken from an Arabic word (أبجدية) of Phoenician origin and it means the alphabets. The Phoenicians were the first people to discover the letters and use them to write, this is why, we gave our new programming language the honor of the name.